Relaunch of the website of a market leader
The E. M. Group Holding AG is the parent company of the Erwin Müller Group including the VEGA, Hotelwäsche Erwin Müller, JOBELINE, Lusini, Poggemeier and Pulsiva brands. The Group is the market leader in the mail order business for catering supplies with more than 40,000 articles across all brands.
The aim of the new website was to present the company primarily as an attractive employer brand. The focus of the responsive website was on quick intuitive access to information, as well as the contemporary translation of the corporate design and authentic communication of the corporate culture. We have addressed the attractiveness and seriousness of the company and translated it into an up-to-date image with the new website design, the specially developed visual language and optimization of the texts.
Project information
E. M. Group Holding AG
Concept and design of the website, imagery, photo briefing, implementation support

Look & Feel
The visual appearance is based on the company’s existing corporate design, parts of which have been optimized and enhanced in this context. Understated, neutral colors in combination with straightforward typography and restrained graphic elements underline the professionalism of the company. The corporate blue suggests trust. It was important for the company not to portray itself by means of anonymous stock photos. Thus, the photo shoot of the employees became a small team-building event at the same time. The result presents the company as a sympathetic employer.