Icon design for a smooth daily camping routine

Project description

Truma manufactures accessories for caravans and motorhomes throughout Europe and is the European market leader for heaters and manoeuvring systems. In the course of developing a new app, we have standardized the various existing icons and created the basis for further development of new icons, thereby also improving the customer experience.

Project information
Truma Gerätetechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Icon design, Guideline


The challenge was to develop a uniform icon code that could be implemented both in print and digitally – from the smallest pixel size in apps to large-scale icons on packaging. It was important that the line thickness and the proportions of the spaces in between do not lose their Truma character when scaled.

Camping Icons Darstellung der Skalierbarkeit in fünf Größen und auf Smartphone

Icon Übersicht

Sammlung an einer Vielzahl an campingspezifischen Icons der Firma Truma